Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Cakes I Made in Cake Class

Here are all the cakes I made in my Wilton cake making class that I took last summer. This rainbow cake was the first one I made. This one is very simple to make. It taught us how to use the clear gel to trace pictures to transfer onto cakes (we used this method to transfer the outline of the rainbow). I am really glad I learned how to do this because I have used it several times since to make some really neat birthday cakes. With this cake I also learned to ice a cake really smoothly without getting crumbs everywhere. The trick is to buy the icing tip and the giant bag that you have to use with the tip. Basically this is when I learned that it is all about having all the right tools which you can find in the Wilton Cake making aisle of craft stores or Wal-Mart.

The cupcakes are the second thing we learned to do. The clowns were really fun to make because you make the arms and the legs in different positions then stick on the heads and they come out looking so cute.

This clown was my attempt at making a cartwheeling clown. It did not work out but he still looks cute.

This cake is from the last class where we finally got to learn how to complete the official Wilton rose. I was pretty proud of how these came out.


  1. Really great cakes, Cami!

  2. I am usually afraid that clowns will eat me, and now, I can eat clowns. Yay!
