Thursday, May 28, 2009

My husband's Mizzou cake

Here is the cake I made for my husband's 25th birthday. I told him to request anything he wanted. I kind of wanted a challenge. He requested a Mizzou tiger cake to celebrate his love of our alma mater University of Missouri. To make this cake I printed a picture of the tiger head. Then I had it enlarged to the right proportions (the size of 9 by 13 cake pan.) Then I baked a marble cake (which was also his request but I am glad he thought of it because when you cut into it, it looked like tiger stripes) in a rectangular cake pan and iced it white. Then I used gel to trace the picture (which, by the way, I traced onto the back so that when I transfered it the tiger would be facing the right way) onto wax paper. Then I tranfered it to the cake. I used a star tip to fill in the colors. There was a lot of detail so I was really surprised that it came out so well. Here is one more picture of it a little closer up.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Cakes I Made in Cake Class

Here are all the cakes I made in my Wilton cake making class that I took last summer. This rainbow cake was the first one I made. This one is very simple to make. It taught us how to use the clear gel to trace pictures to transfer onto cakes (we used this method to transfer the outline of the rainbow). I am really glad I learned how to do this because I have used it several times since to make some really neat birthday cakes. With this cake I also learned to ice a cake really smoothly without getting crumbs everywhere. The trick is to buy the icing tip and the giant bag that you have to use with the tip. Basically this is when I learned that it is all about having all the right tools which you can find in the Wilton Cake making aisle of craft stores or Wal-Mart.

The cupcakes are the second thing we learned to do. The clowns were really fun to make because you make the arms and the legs in different positions then stick on the heads and they come out looking so cute.

This clown was my attempt at making a cartwheeling clown. It did not work out but he still looks cute.

This cake is from the last class where we finally got to learn how to complete the official Wilton rose. I was pretty proud of how these came out.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My first cake blog post

This is the first blog I have ever attempted to do. I make a lot of cakes and I always have to do a lot of internet research to get ideas and figure out how to do stuff so I thought it would be nice if I posted my creations somewhere along with advice on how to make them. I am very new to both cake making and blogging so if you stumble upon this website bear with me as it will probably not be the most polished piece of work you've seen.

This is the cake that got me interested in making cakes. This was last year at my son's first birthday. I saw a picture of a giant cupcake online and thought I really wanted to make one. I was so glad to find that you could just buy a giant cupcake pan made by Wilton. So I bought it and made a practice one ahead of time and it was actually really easy and came out pretty cute. I think I used two boxes of cake. I whipped the icing (store-bought) so it looked a little fluffier and piped it on with a star tip. My husband and I made the candle and the tag out of this homemade clay stuff that I found a recipe for online (I think you could probably do this type of thing better with fondant but I just don't really know much about how to do it yet). I can't remember exactly how it was made but it was mostly salt. I was surprised by how nice they came out. I did the writing with a a pen that is made to write on cakes that I found at the grocery store. I think I attached the flame with a toothpick. Then I just tied a real ribbon abound it a this is how it turned out. I was quite proud of my creation.

This concludes my first post but I will add to it with all the rest of the cakes I have made over the last year and I hope I can continue to update this blog each time a make a new cake. If you have any questions about the cakes I make just leave it in the comments or email me at and I will answer it.