Friday, November 6, 2009

Stargate SG-1 Cake

This is the cake I made for my husband's birthday back in August. It is a star gate from the show Stargate SG-1 on the Sci-Fi channel. My husband is a big fan. Even though it was his cake my husband helped me make this cake because he wanted to. He baked chocolate chip cookie dough in a six inch round pan to make the round part at the top (the actual star gate). The stairs and the "grass" it is sitting on is chocolate cake that he cut into the shape he wanted. I iced the bottom layer with regular store bought icing that is why it looks all shiny. For the stairs and the star gate I used home made icing. I just printed off a picture from the internet to see how to make some of the details. For the blue watery looking stuff in the middle I swirled in some blue coloring and some white to give it the right effect and I also poured on some blue sugar crystals. To attach the cookie part we cut a slot in the chocolate cake and stuck the cookie in with two popsicle sticks in the back to support it. I iced the popsicle sticks grey so they would blend in with the back of the cookie which was also iced grey. This cake was good because you could choose to eat the cake or the cookie or both.